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casey mcminn photography 1501 JOHNSON FERRY RD.
Marietta, GA maternity and newborn photographer | Advice for new moms. Good morning and happy Sunday! On this beautiful Sunday morning I figured it’d be nice to share some little bits of advice for new moms. This is info I’ve learned over the years from my mom and other moms. Being a mom is hard, […]
Marietta, GA newborn photographer, Casey McMinn Howard, explains the importance of printing your pictures. The year is 2038. Your baby girl is about to graduate high school. It’s unbelievable how time flies. You feel like it was just yesterday that she was born. How did she grow up so fast? She used to fit in […]
Tips for moms with young babies! Hi beautiful friends! After going through the newborn / infant / toddler stage multiple times now with my own children, and working with so many newborn babies at the studio, I figured it’d be super helpful to share some of my tips with you all on things that have […]
Having a baby during the pandemic? Marietta, GA newborn photographer, Casey McMinn Howard with Casey McMinn Photography, explains what it’s like to have a baby during the pandemic. You’re pregnant and were in the middle of a worldwide pandemic. Now what? Things are different now from when you had your last baby, or, for first […]
Welcome baby boy Gary Braxton! Braxton’s mommy and sisters were SO sweet! I felt like I’d known them forever…like we were old friends. Braxton’s first name is Gary, after his great grand father…what an honor and beautiful tribute to this family!