Marietta, GA maternity and newborn photographer | Advice for new moms.
Good morning and happy Sunday! On this beautiful Sunday morning I figured it’d be nice to share some little bits of advice for new moms. This is info I’ve learned over the years from my mom and other moms. Being a mom is hard, so, anything I can do to help you ladies out will make my heart so happy!

- Take time to nap while your newborn is napping. DO NOT worry about how messy the house is!! Get some sleep while you can.
- Hold that baby as long as you want. Enjoy the moments when they’re sleeping on your chest. Don’t feel like you need to put them down to get something done around the house. You’ll miss those moments when they’re so small that they sleep right on your chest.
- Take a moment for yourself if you need it. We all need to get a little refresh in here and there, because if we don’t then we won’t be the best version of ourselves. We’ve got to be our best for our kids, but also for ourselves! If you’re not happy you’ll soon be in a world of hurt. Take a moment to take a walk around your neighborhood by yourself while baby stays home with dad. Take a moment in the morning before anybody gets up to sit on your back porch and drink a cup of coffee in peace. Don’t forget about YOU.
- Join local mom groups on Facebook. They are wonderful for support, but also to snatch up a really great deal. There are always so many great baby items on those Facebook groups that are going for a lot less money than retail value and sometimes even for free.
- Start a routine with your baby. Soon the routine will really start picking up. I always started a true bedtime routine with my babies at about 3 months of age. A simple bedtime routine was best to start with for us. At about 4 months we started introducing a daytime routine. The way I always got my kids on a routine was to put them to bed at the same time every night. Eventually they start waking up at the same time every morning and I because of that I was able to start the daytime routine.
- Don’t let mom guilt get the best of you. As moms we feel guilty for everything concerning baby. Try your best to clear your mind of those thoughts and know that what you’re doing is best for your baby.

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